Recall election

The World

Frustrated with politicians, impatient voters mount recall campaigns

Global Politics

Many voters, frustrated with their current elected officials, have decided to take action well ahead of election day. In cities and towns across America, constituents are calling for recall elections.

Wisconsin voters head to polls in Scott Walker recall election

Global Politics

Wisconsin focuses on Scott Walker recall election

Global Politics

Republicans survive recall elections in Wisconsin

Global Politics

Are Republican Governors to Thank for Swing State Growth?

Recall Decided: Walker Retains His Seat

Voters in Wisconsin voted yesterday to decide whether their governor Scott Walker stays or goes.  After months of political wrangling, state-wide campaigning, and millions of dollars in contributions, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker will keep his seat. Walker beat Milwaukee mayor Tom Barrett by seven points, becoming the first governor to win a recall election. Walker won […]

What Does Walker’s Fate Mean for America?

The Wisconsin recall effort may have failed, but the election was more than just a race between Scott Walker and Tom Barrett. All across the country, Tea Partiers and national labor union officials closely monitored the results out of Wisconsin for signs of what this recall election means for the future of their movements.   Both […]

Audio Essay: A History of Recall Elections

If Tuesday’s vote doesn’t lean in his favor, Scott Walker will join the ranks of only a handful of politicians who’ve been ousted in recall elections. The Wisconsin vote has grabbed headlines for months, but it turns out that booting a governor from office is a fairly rare event.  Kenneth C. Davis  takes a historical perspective in […]

Wisconsin Voters Talk Gov. Scott Walker’s Recall Election

This Tuesday, Wisconsin will decide whether to recall Republican governor Scott Walker from office. Walker is being taken to task on labor union reforms he implemented suddenly last year, shrinking their bargaining power and angering droves of Wisconsinites. Democrats say Walker misled voters during the campaign by never alluding to such drastic measures against the […]

Milwaukee Mayor to Challenge Gov. Scott Walker

Democrats in Wisconsin chose Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett for the upcoming recall election against Governor Scott Walker, which is set for June 5. It’s been well over a year since Gov. Walker first earned the wrath of Wisconsin Democrats after backing a bill removing collective bargaining rights from public sector union members.  In a proud union […]