
Protestors clash with riot police during a demonstration against the reinforced measures of the Belgium government to counter the latest spike of the coronavirus in Brussels, Belgium

Europe sees widespread protests against COVID-19 restrictions

Top of The World

Protests against COVID-19 restrictions, some of them turning violent, rocked Europe over the weekend. Also, Sudan’s top military commander reinstates Abdulla Hamdok, but as interim prime minister, until new elections are held. And, two of 17 missionaries kidnapped in October have been released in Haiti.

Nigerians held vigils for the girls kidnapped by the extremist group Boko Haram on the one year anniversary of their abduction, April 14, 2015.

Facebook safety checks arrive in Nigeria, but some ask if it’s worth celebrating

union jack

If Scotland leaves the UK, the country’s flag, the Union Jack, may need a makeover

ISIS black and white flag

Sex toy or ISIS? Ever wonder what this black-and-white flag means?

New Zealand flag photo

New Zealanders will vote on whether to update their flag

Global Scan

Prominent Canadian gay rights activist killed in Halifax, Nova Scotia

Global Politics

A gay rights activist was murdered outside of a bar last week in Halifax, Nova Scotia, after reportedly attempting to break up a fight between two men. Members of the community have come out to honor Raymond Taavel’s memory.

World’s Biggest Flag Unfurled in Romania

Arts, Culture & Media

A brass band played the national anthem at a military airfield outside of Bucharest, Romania earlier this week as 200 volunteers battled with the wind to unfurl a gigantic Romanian flag.

State Flags All Look the Same – Let’s Update Them

Designed with deep thought, as a symbolic element of a country’s pride, a flag is more than just a cloth attached to a pole. It’s a blueprint, a story that many pride themselves on knowing, and one that eager minds continuously seek to find out. That story differs when it comes to a country and […]

The World

Gay Flag Design Challenge

Arts, Culture & Media

The rainbow flag was designed in 1978. But how would it be different if it were designed in 2009? Design firm Worldstudio brainstorms ideas and we introduce our celebrity judge, fashion designer Isaac Mizrahi. Join the discussion and submit your new flag designs on our Flickr page.