Arabic architecture

Abderrahmane Ghoul

Marseille’s plans for a Grand Mosque stall


The city of Marseille, France’s second biggest, is home to the country’s largest Muslim population. About one in four of its residents are Muslims. Yet you’d be hard pressed to find a single proper mosque in town.

Mosque in Turkey

This architect says the most important feature of a mosque is its sustainability


The Madrassa Myth: In Pakistan, public schools may be the problem

students praying at madrassa

The Madrassa Myth: in Pakistan, Public Schools may be the Problem

Development & Education

Violence in Aleppo sends thousands fleeing Syrian army, rebels

DIY War: Syrian Rebels Constructing Homemade Weapons

Arts, Culture & Media

The Obama Administration is moving slowly to supply the rebels in Syria with weapons. But for now, the rebels have to make do with weapons from other sources: including the ones they can make themselves.

The Assault on Syria’s Cultural Heritage

Arts, Culture & Media

The conflict in Syria is having a devastating impact on the country’s archaeological and cultural heritage. Many ancient monuments have been hit by artillery fire or shelling in the past few months.

Aleppo Souk Destroyed Amidst Fighting

Conflict & Justice

Over the weekend, violence in the city of Aleppo continued to claim lives. It also claimed some of Syria’s cultural heritage, its centuries-old covered market. Hundreds of shops were destroyed by fire, which UNESCO recognizes as a World Heritage Site.

War Correspondent Compares Fighting in Syria Crisis to Other Severe Conflicts

Arts, Culture & Media

The fighting in Aleppo, Syria, is as bad as any seen in Mogadishu, Grozny or Fallujah at the height of those conflicts, according to Ghaith Abdul Ahad, a reporter with UK’s The Guardian.

Syrian Rebels Retreat From Their ‘Alamo’ in Aleppo Neighborhood

Anchor Marco Werman speaks with Martin Chulov of Britain’s Guardian newspaper who has just emerged from a week inside the besieged city.