The Greatest Penguin GIFs on the Internet

Studio 360

Studio 360 is hosting a GIF valentine challenge that endstoday, Monday, February 1, at midnight.We’re calling the contest My GIFy Valentine, and we’re asking you to release all those Valentine’s Day emotions in a creative way.


Send the following information

  • Your GIF file
  • Your name (first names are fine!)
  • Your city and state
  • A little about who the GIF is for and what inspired you to make it
  • By sending us your GIF, you acknowledge it can be that it can be uploaded togiphy.comand that it honors theirTerms of Service.
  • Your GIF may also be posted on our website and used in other Studio 360 platforms.
  • The deadline to enter is Monday, February 1 at 11:59pm ET.

Need some help making a GIF? We’ve put together thishandyHow To GIF guide.

We’ve roped in two fantastic judges to evaluate the entries:Heben NigatuandTracy Clayton, the hosts of BuzzFeed’sAnother Round.When Kurt talked with them lastmonth, Tracy dropped the hint that she is a big fan of penguin GIFs.So here’s some last-minute inspiration to pander your way into a first place win.

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