
Three people wearing white biohazard suits look on to a dead relative out of frame

Two siblings, oceans apart, support each other as medics on the COVID-19 frontlines


Two medical doctors — a brother and sister — are fighting the pandemic. She’s in the US. He’s in India.

Kohler Factory

Arts, Culture & Media

Jennifer Angus

Arts, Culture & Media
Large screen show grainy footage of woman in sari, man in turban. A silhouette of a man standing in front.

Why this musician wants to understand xenophobia today by remembering the past


Packer fans, and obsession, are spreading to all corners of the globe

Eric Jarosinski, the University of Pennsylvania professor behind Nein Quarterly

Germans on Twitter say ‘ja!’ to Nein Quarterly

Arts, Culture & Media

A University of Pennsylvania professor tweeting as “Nein Quarterly” has attracted more than 40,000 followers with his wry observations on everything from US politics to the sexiness of the German umlaut.

Sounds Heard by Aldo Leopold

Each morning, the great conservationist Aldo Leopold took meticulous notes of the dawn bird chorus outside his Wisconsin home. Now, a professor and a grad student at the University of Wisconsin have used Leopold’s journals to recreate the soundscape that Leopold heard in 1940.

The national implications of Scott Walker’s victory in Wisconsin

Global Politics

Wisconsonites voted Tuesday to keep incumbent Scott Walker in the governor’s seat. The recall election is over, but Tea Party supporters, union organizers and voters are speaking out on what the results mean for the rest of the country.

Wisconsin voters head to polls in Scott Walker recall election

Global Politics

On Tuesday Wisconsin voters will decide whether to recall Governor Scott Walker from office. Walker’s clamp down on Wisconsin’s public sector labor unions set off a recall campaign that has spanned over a year and brought national campaign energy to the state.

Wisconsin focuses on Scott Walker recall election

Global Politics

Wisconsin officials ordered a recall election for Gov. Scott Walker on Friday. Despite the presidential primary occurring tomorrow, numbers show a greater focus on June’s recall election.