West Coast of the United States

Foreign students paying to get fish processing jobs in Alaska

Globalization has transformed some fish processing plants in Alaska, where most of the workers now are foreign students.

Developing high-speed train travel for the U.S.

Global Politics

Winter Storms Batter Alaska

The World

New Carissa Tourist Trap

Silver Lining

The World

Just How Cold is it In Alaska

Living On Earth commentator Geo Beach speaks to host Laura Knoy from his home in frigid Homer, Alaska, where temperatures in the past week have dropped as low as 70 degrees below zero.

The World

Portland, Oregon + 25 years

The City of Portland, Oregon seems to have a success story on its hands, twenty- five years in the making. In order to improve the quality of life in urban Portland, and limit growth of its farms and forests, back in 1973 citizens began implementing a zoning plan to limit sprawl whose outcome they are […]

Congress’ Rushed Riders Wrap

On their way back home to campaign for re-election, Congress attached around a dozen environment related riders to the latest budget. Out of the fifty United States, most of these last minute provisions relate to just one; Alaska. Joel Southern, who covers Washington D.C. for the Alaska Public Radio Network spoke with Steve Curwood about […]

The World

Fish Camp

The days are long and the salmon are running in Alaska, so it’s time for Living On Earth commentator Nancy Lord to make her annual migration to her favorite place on earth; an isolated stretch of beach that the rest of the world has passed by. Nancy Lord is the author of “Fishcamp: Life On […]

The World

Know Thy Neighbor

Commentator Robert Leo Heilman lives in two worlds. His home is in rural Oregon, but through his books and essays, he has a hand in urban life. Once he was called on to help bridge the gap. Commentator Robert Leo Heilman’s latest book is “Overstory Zero: Real Life in Timber Country.”