Violence against LGBT people

At the headquarters of Kouraj, a prominent LGBT rights group in Haiti. Outside, the office is unmarked.

Why it’s gotten harder for LGBT people in Haiti since the earthquake


Last summer, Haiti’s senate passed legislation that would further curb LGBT rights. It was just the latest in a series of incidents that LGBT Haitians say shows an increasingly hostile attitude toward their community.

Captives suspected of being Islamic State militants are seen southwest of Kirkuk, Iraq.

Nearly a thousand ISIS fighters choose surrender, not martyrdom, in Iraq

Thousands of Jamaicans hold a demonstration against the local lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community in Half Way Tree, Kingston.

Jamaica’s anti-gay protesters are trying to duck the ‘homophobic’ label

Lifestyle & Belief
The World

Jamaica’s Portia Simpson-Miller and Gay Rights

Conflict & Justice