Video game culture

A group of Korean young men huddle around and hold up a trophy.

Amid esports boom, China introduces new restrictions to regulate the industry


At the League of Legends World Championship held in Shanghai last month, more than 3 million people entered to win a ticket to attend the finals. Only 6,000 were allowed in because of social distancing rules due to the coronavirus pandemic. 

A screenshot of one of the harrassing tweets directed at video game critic Anita Sarkeesian.

What is #GamerGate all about?

Lilian Chen goes by the gaming name "milktea"

This woman’s gaming career took off in the back of her parents’ Chinese restaurant

Kim Dong Hwan is a South Korean professional StarCraft2 gamer who goes by 'viOLet' in the gaming community. In 2012 he won 1st place at the Intel Extreme Masters gaming competition in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Why foreign video gamers are considered America’s new pro athletes

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