Vice President of the United States

Presidential Politics and the Environment

Announcements of candidacy have come from both presidential frontrunners in the past week. But when it comes to the environment, neither candidate has a clear platform. Steve talks with Living On Earth’s political observer Mark Hertsgaard about what’s at stake as Vice President Gore and Governor Bush jockey for the environmental vote.

The World

Gore on the Environment

Quayle on the Environment

The World

Biden’s Green Record

The World

Candidate Profile: Bill Bradley

The World

Joe Biden and the post-Cheney vice presidency

Global Politics

As James Traub reports in this weekend’s New York Times magazine, Vice President Joe Biden is creating a job that holds considerable power in the nation’s domestic and foreign agendas.

The World

Vice President Biden has Georgia on His Mind

Global Politics

Vice President Biden is in Georgia, a former Soviet republic that is at war with Russia. Although the U.S. supports Georgia, it is unclear whether that includes selling weapons to the nation. The Takeaway is joined by BBC Russia anaylst Steven Eke.

The World

Cheney On Cheney: Why The Angler Won’t Stop Talking

Global Politics

Dick Cheney defended his opposing views on national security and the controversial interrogation tactics he implemented. To give us his take on the man and his plan, The Takeaway is joined by Jake Bernstein, a reporter for ProPublica.

The World

Looking at historical precedents for this unprecedented election

Arts, Culture & Media

This presidential election, no matter who wins, will be historic. For a look at how former presidencies have shaped this unprecedented race, The Takeaway turns to award-winning filmmaker David Grubin.

The World

Vice presidents and foreign policy

Global Politics

Republican vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin is getting her foreign policy feet wet this week at the United Nations. She’s holding meet-and-greet sessions with many world leaders attending the UN General Assembly.