United States federal executive departments

With Napolitano’s Exit, New Opportunities for the Department of Homeland Security?

U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano announced late last week that she will be resigning from her post to become the president of the University of California system. Her resignation comes at a time when the Department of Homeland Security–which includes the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency–could be facing big changes–if the House of […]

Drastic Cuts Could Reshape US Military

The World

Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano on new screening technology

The World

Diplomacy: Secretary Clinton’s Africa Agenda

Global Politics
The World

Counterterrorism remains top priority for FBI

Global Politics
The World

A page in America’s briefing book: the CIA

Global Politics

Former deputy CIA director John McLaughlin talks to The Takeaway about the biggest challenges that the intelligence community is likely to face in the next four years.