United States Department of Agriculture

Immigrant farmers making inroads in Midwestern agriculture

Conflict & Justice

Immigrants have been major components of the agricultural system in California and Texas for years. But recently, they’ve become more prevalent in the Midwest as well. Now, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is stepping up its outreach to them, to help them succeed.

Ag Secretary calls on Congress to act to speed relief to drought-stricken farmers

Global Politics

Detention and suspension rates in Chicago increase during end of month period, may be related to food stamps

Global Politics

USDA offers farmers more money to conserve land


Food stamps help struggling families

Farm Bill Killed by Bipartisan Opposition in the House

Yesterday, in a bipartisan vote, the House of Representatives rejected all $940 billion worth of the farm bill.   Democrats opposed the bill because it cut food stamps for low-income families by $20.5 billion over a decade. On the other hand, Republicans were upset that the bill didn’t cut enough. The result was 195 yeas and […]

Ph.D’s on Food Stamps?

It isn’t easy these days making it out on your own.  And in this tough job market, there’s one route that many college graduates are turning to: going back to school.   But, according to a recent report from The Chronicle of Higher Education, students pursuing or who have obtained masters degrees and Ph.D.’s are struggling quite […]

Judge Approves Settlement for Black Farmers

A federal judge signed off on the $1.25 billion settlementbetween U.S. Department of Agriculture and African American farmers who say the agency discriminated against them by denying them loans and other forms of assistance. The case dates back to 1997 and gives tens of thousands of plaintiffs a chance to have their day in court. […]

School meals are healthier, but cost families more

The federal government wants to make school lunches healthier  – which also may mean raising the cost for students in certain areas. The White House’s child nutrition bill suggests costs go up by 10 cents at the most, but some places are raising prices more than that. Some people are worried that this might generate some […]

Top of the Hour: More Worries About the Economy, Morning Headlines

Layoffs hit a 16-month high last month in the private sector. Payroll processor ADP says 40,000 less jobs were created in July.  The Department of Agriculture announced the number of Americans who rely on food stamps has hit another all-time high.  Almost 46 million Americans now get food assistance. The number was up in 49 states last […]