People board a truck as they leave Khartoum, Sudan, on June 19, 2023.

‘I no longer have a dream’: Sudan has the largest displacement of children in the world


Telecommunications and internet connectivity were cut off again across Sudan as millions of people face an ongoing civil war. UNICEF spokesperson James Elder just returned from Darfur, a particularly troubling epicenter of the violence, and spoke to The World’s host Marco Werman about the latest conditions.


Malala calls for a ‘state of emergency for education’ in Nigeria

An injured boy is taken to a ward inside a hospital after an earthquake in Siliguri

How to help Nepal: 10 vetted charities doing relief work following the earthquakes

Some of the nearly 250,000 Malawians displaced by recent flooding in the southern part of the country sit for a photo at a school where they've taken refuge. Far from the epicenter of international flood relief efforts, the 4,220 people in this isolated c

Here’s what happens when increasingly severe weather meets deforestation

Student at Gibson High School in Monrovia, Deborah Natt,16, is smiling to be back at school. At every entrance there is a handwashing station.

As Ebola loosens grip, Liberia’s schools begin re-opening

The World

An ointment could save up to half a million newborns a year­ – and it costs 20 cents

Health & Medicine

In Nepal, as many as a quarter of newborn deaths could be prevented with the use of an inexpensive antiseptic ointment, routinely used after childbirth in the US. The challenge is getting it to the women who need it in time.In Nepal, as many as a quarter of newborn deaths could be prevented with the use of an inexpensive antiseptic ointment, routinely used after childbirth in the US. The challenge is getting it to the women who need it in time.

Aiding Pakistan proves a challenge

Aid groups are struggling for funds to help victims of Pakistan’s floods, and experts warn of dire consequences for inaction.

UNICEF Says Syrian’s School System in Crisis

Arts, Culture & Media

The UN children’s agency UNICEF put out a report this week pointing to an alarming situation in Syrian schools. Violence from the ongoing civil war has caused many children to just stop going to school.


A UN team recently visited Iraq and found its people threatened with disease and hunger. Steve talks with Paul Altesman, a UNICEF official who was on the trip and helped write the UN report.

The World

UNICEF pursues simple tactic for bettering health: hand-washing

Health & Medicine

Today, children across Asia are taking a few minutes of their time to wash their hands. It’s the highlight of a campaign organised by the United Nations children agency UNICEF to promote one of the most cost-effective forms of preventive healthcare.