Slow movement

Sustainable Business Development

Former venture capitalist Woody Tasch says somewhere between philanthropy and venture capital, there needs to be investment in sustainable enterprises.

The World

Slow City

Bringing Money Down to Earth

The World

Slow Food Nation

The World

‘Slow Parenting’: The Noble Savage in the High Chair

The World

Slow food in Lebanon

Arts, Culture & Media

Lebanon has a burgeoning movement known as �slow food.� Its proponents want to ensure that Lebanese don’t lose their food traditions. The World’s Aaron Schachter reports, the country seems an unlikely spot for a slow food movement.

The World

Geo answer: 10 Foods To Eat Before They Die

Arts, Culture & Media

The answer to today’s Geo Quiz is Transylvania, Romania. The region boasts some of the best jams – some of them include ingredients that are considered to be endangered foods. Anchor Lisa Mullins speaks with British food expert Simon Preston, who’s organizing a special banquet called “10 Foods To Eat Before They Die.” Preston says he wants to highlight some of the world’s “vanishing delicacies.”

The World

Sustainable Business Development

As public officials and individuals seek fast solutions to economic woes, sustainable investor Woody Tasch advises investing in businesses that are good for the planet but slow in financial returns. He discusses his ideas and new book on Living on Earth.