Serbian war crimes

The temporary monument "Pillar of Shame" in Berlin commemorated the 1995 mass murder in Srebrenica.

Serbia is finally seeking those responsible for the 1995 massacre in Srebrenica


Serbian officials have arrested eight men suspected of having participated in the 1995 Srebrenica massacre. The killings took place in an area that the UN had declared a “safe zone.”

A journalist who covered the Bosnian war testifies in war crimes trial of a key Serb commander

Conflict & Justice

Srebrenica elections lays bare old tensions between Serbs, Bosniaks

Global Politics

Shades of Serbian massacres in Syrian violence

The World

In Srebrenica Election, a Horrific Past Looms Large in Vision for Future

Conflict & Justice

Mladic War Crimes Trial Suspended

Conflict & Justice

The war crimes trial of former Bosnian Serb commander Ratko Mladic was suspended Thursday because of a clerical error by the prosecution. Earlier, the court heard a detailed description of the 1995 Srebrenica massacre, which Mladic is accused of ordering.

Sarajevo: Grief Over Bosnia War Anniversary

Arts, Culture & Media

Residents of Sarajevo marked the twentieth anniversary of the start of Balkan civil war on Friday. The siege of Sarajevo was one of the most brutal episodes of the wars that accompanied the break up of Yugoslavia.

Is Syria’s Idlib Like Srebrenica?

Conflict & Justice

Many Syrian fighters and refugees have fled over the border into Turkey. Some see similarities between what is happening now in Idlib and the massacres in the mid-90s at Srebrenica, in Bosnia.

Survivors Respond to Mladic Arrest

Ratko Mladic was arrested yesterday for genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity for his role as Army Chief of Staff during the Balkan wars. 8,000 Muslim men and boys were allegedly executed by Mladic’s soldiers during the Srebrenica massacre. Dr. Denisa Kostovicova, Balkans expert and Senior Lecturer at the London School of Economics discusses […]

Ratko Mladic, Balkan War Crimes Criminal Arrested

Ratko Mladic, the last of Serbia’s three major suspected war criminals was arrested Thursday morning on charges of genocide. Wanted for war crimes and masterminding the Srebrenica massacre, Mladic had been hiding for over a decade. Chris Hedges is the former Balkan Bureau Chief for The New York Times. He reported on the massacre and […]