Secretary of State

Portrait of man's head against rows of lights, dark around him

Can Pompeo get the State Department ‘back at the big kids’ table’?


Former State Department officials say they will be listening for clarity on pressing foreign policy issues — including the war in Syria and the North Korea negotiations — but also want to know if he can restore the agency’s morale.

Special Guest: Madeleine Albright

Arts, Culture & Media
A combination photo shows US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and CIA Director Mike Pompeo

So, what does Pompeo have that Tillerson doesn’t?

Global Politics
Tillerson pic

Tillerson hedges on climate science, but supports Paris agreement

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton departing from Malta found for Tripoli, Libya in October, 2011.

‘There’s a reason that Hillary Clinton has not been emphasizing her international experience’
