Second Sudanese Civil War

Bidibid refugee camp

In Uganda, a refugee camp becomes a city


The government of Uganda and international agencies have taken an innovative approach to housing displaced persons by building more permanent facilities that serve both refugees and local residents.

Jacob Atem in 2012 with his step-mother in the village of Maar, South Sudan.

Sudan’s ‘Lost Boys’ get caught in their country’s violence once again

Conflict & Justice
south sudan

South Sudan remains on the brink of civil war

Conflict & Justice

China Struggles to End Hostilities along Oil-Rich Sudan Border

Global Politics
The World

Sudan’s Next Flashpoint

Conflict & Justice
The World

Tensions between Sudan’s north and south

Conflict & Justice

Growing tensions between Sudan’s north and south in Sudan could potentially plunge the country back into a north-south civil war. Heba Aly reports from southern Sudan.