Republican Party (United States) presidential primaries

Illinois voters cast votes for Republican Presidential Primary

Global Politics

In the 2012 election, the Republican primary contest has shifted to Illinois. It’s the latest state where voters are trying to choose from among the four, remaining mainstream Republican candidates, including Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul.

Gingrich advisors insist he’s still in it to win, despite tough electoral math

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VIDEO: As voters choose, eyes on Ohio, Georgia in Super Tuesday elections

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Romney, Gingrich seem poised to be big winners on Super Tuesday

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Mitt Romney picks up big wins in Michigan, Arizona primaries

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Democrats being courted by, urged to vote for Rick Santorum in Michigan primary

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Rick Santorum unleashed a robocall on Michigan Democrats, reminding them they can vote for him in the very tight Republican Primary. At the same time, Democrat groups are urging Democrats to get out to the polls and vote Santorum, to deny Romney a momentum-building victory.

Candidates have trouble finding music to use at campaign events

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Republicans have had run-ins with songwriters and bands for using their music at campaign events. Mitt Romney got dinged for using a K’Naan song, while Newt Gingrich was asked to stop using “Eye of the Tiger.”

VIDEO: Santorum sweeps with wins in Minnesota, Colorado caucuses, Missouri primary

Global Politics

Rick Santorum was the unquestioned winner on Wednesday night. When the results came in, he’d earned big victories in the Minnesota caucus and Missouri primary and a narrower, but still substantial, victory in the Colorado caucus.

Voters in Florida head to polls for Republican presidential primary

Global Politics

Floridians are voting now for whom they prefer as the GOP Presidential challenger to President Barack Obama. Polls in Florida are open until 7 p.m. local time.

Bad news for Romney: Perry drops out, Iowa Caucus takes back his victory

Global Politics

Mitt Romney would probably like to go back to bed. The former Massachusetts Governor learned Thursday that the Iowa Caucus had recounted its ballots, and the final tally had Rick Santorum in the lead. But, with some ballots lost, no official winner will be declared. Plus, Texas Gov. Rick Perry dropped out of the presidential race and endorsed Romney rival Newt Gingrich.