
a man standing in front of a colorful bottle cap mural

Venezuelan artist uses recycled bottle caps to create large eco-murals


Oscar Olivares plans to take his ecological art global in hopes of promoting sustainable practices and educating communities on how to recycle.

man with trash

‘We were treated as disposable beings’: Waste pickers in Colombia fought for their rights after 11 murders

Plastic pollution has become a major concern in Ghana.

Ghana’s fishermen are drowning in plastic. The govt is trying to tackle pollution before it’s too late.

An empty Amazon box sits outside a north Jackson, Miss., residence, awaiting pickup for recycling

A new law in Maine requires large companies to pay for recycling packaging waste

Two people enjoy bubble tea.

Backlash from bubble-tea fans after China bans plastic straws in restaurants

A man picks through a huge heap of plastic trash

‘More waste, better taste’: This Garbage Café offers food in exchange for plastic


Here’s the concept: Bring in a kilogram of plastic trash — about two pounds worth — and you get a free hot meal.

refill station

Meet the consultant who can help your business go zero waste


Catherine Conway’s business, Unpackaged, provides guidance for running a zero waste business.

A man is shown wearing a dark-color vest and carrying a large garbage bag full of plastic bottles.

How to solve the plastic waste problem: Build a better plastic

Here’s the problem with plastic: It’s super useful. But it can take centuries to degrade. What if there was a better plastic that was easier to recycle?

Plastic beach pollution

‘Beyond the crisis point on plastic waste’: New bill is wake-up call, says senator


Recent research estimates that as much as a credit card’s worth of plastic makes its way into our bodies each week. A new bill aims to drastically reduce the amount of plastic that ends up in the nation’s waste stream.

Ethane crackers pollution, carbon emissions

New ethane cracker factories raise climate change and pollution concerns


Plastic has long been made from oil, but today it’s increasingly made from ethane, a component of natural gas. To turn ethane into the building block of plastic, petrochemical companies are investing in ethane cracker plants, raising concerns about what these facilities could mean for air pollution and climate change.