
Image of an illegally deforested area on Pirititi Indigenous lands.

The Amazon rainforest is likely adding to global warming, says a new study

Climate Change

The Amazon rainforest, known as the “lungs of the Earth,” was thought to limit the damage from climate change. A new study suggests it now may be contributing to it.

A fire burns at night in the jungle.

Amazon fires: 8 ways you can help stop the rainforest burning

A dry brown patch of land is dotted with trees

A ‘Third Way’ to save the Amazon: make the standing forest itself more valuable

Amazon Stories: Rainmaking


Ecology of the Tongass

The World

Tongass Logging Roads

In Alaska there’s debate over protecting the Tongass National Forest, the nation’s largest, from further logging. President Clinton has yet to weigh in on whether or not he’ll allow any new logging road construction there. Johanna Eurich reports.

Climbing to the Canopy

Forest canopies are home to countless species of plants, insects, and animals, many of them as yet undiscovered by humans. Canopy botanist Margaret Lowman who calls herself an arbonaut,” has spent twenty years climbing through the trees in forests across the planet. Dr. Lowman talks to host Steve Curwood about her experiences, which are documented […]

The World

Advice Upon Travelling in the Rainforest

In some tropical forests a bit closer to the U.S., producer John Burnett recently had the good fortune to explore the rich biodiversity of Costa Rica. Along the way, John learned a few do’s and don’ts about visiting rainforests. He sent us this reporter’s notebook.

The World


The U-S Forest Service has released its management plan for the Tongass National Forest in southeast Alaska; the 17 million acre temperate rainforest that is home to two identified rare species. Environmental activists have sued the Fish and Wildlife Service in an effort to have the species listed as endangered, and plaintiffs in the case […]

The World

Up in the Treetops

One of the least explored environments on earth is the canopy of rainforests high above the forest floor among the branches of tall trees is a living web of thousands of plants and animals. It is home for hundreds of birds and reptile, tens of thousands of insects and countless numbers of microbes. Recently, scientists […]