Rahm Emanuel

Thousands of Chicago school kids out of class as teachers go on strike

Global Politics

When the Chicago Public Schools teachers and leadership failed to reach an agreement on a new contract Sunday night, the district’s teachers went out on strike. That left the parents of 350,000 school kids struggling with where their kids would go, and who would watch them.

Ron Suskind defends book about Obama administration

Arts, Culture & Media

NATO and Occupy Protests Rock Chicago

The World

Rahm Emanuel’s run for Chicago Mayor hits roadblock

Conflict & Justice
The World

The plan for hearings if Republicans take house

Global Politics
The World

Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel to leave White House

Global Politics

For a look at the role that the Chief of Staff plays in the modern presidency, and some of the historic tenures, we speak to Douglas Brinkley, Professor of History at Rice University. Takeaway Washington correspondent Todd Zwillich also weighs in.

The World

Rahm, thanks for the memories

Global Politics

Rahm Emanuel, who has been President Obama’s right hand man for the last two years, is leaving his White House digs with his eye on the mayor’s office in his hometown of Chicago. John remembers some of Rahm’s best moments.

The World

Changes in advisors and White House staff

Global Politics

Soon, there will be several changes at the top levels of the Obama administration. What are we to make of this seemingly tumultuous time?

The World

Couple that crashed state dinner aren’t new to fame game

Global Politics

The couple that crashed President Obama’s first White House dinner are reportedly in the running to be one of the couples on the Bravo reality show, ‘The Real Housewives of Washington.’ For more on this, we’re joined by Brian Stelter.

The World

A crowded race to fill Rahm Emanuel’s seat in Congress

Global Politics

Rahm Emanuel’s appointment to Obama’s chief of staff left an opening in the U.S. Congress. It looks Mike Quigley won the race for that seat. For some local insight on the crowded race we turn to Tony Arnold, a reporter for Chicago Public Radio.