Quotation mark

Mona Lisa

Biographer Walter Isaacson, on Leonardo da Vinci’s art and science


“Leonardo was curious to know everything there was to know about everything you could know about creation, including how we fit into it,” Isaacson says.

Passengers wait to undergo security checks at Sydney's Domestic Airport in Australia.

New airport security measures add the human element back into screenings

TV meteorologist

In hurricane-prone Miami, one meteorologist is forecasting the future

surf practice

Why practice rarely makes perfect

US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Assistant Field Office Director Jorge Field (L), 53, arrests an Iranian immigrant in San Clemente, California.

ICE agents are increasingly playing the roles of both police and judge


Meet the women who escorted Jane Doe to her abortion


A small clinic in McAllen, Texas, is the only abortion provider for hundreds of miles. Earlier this week when Jane Doe, an undocumented teenager held in detention, was allowed to have an abortion, this is where she came.

A woman scrapes mortar off of a salvaged brick with a flat end of a chisel so the brick can be reused.

‘Symbolic rubble’ from crumbling adobe homes preserves the past and eases trauma after Mexico earthquake


Oaxaca is moving along with rebuilding after Mexico’s worst earthquake of the century. But some are hoping to slow down the process.

Ada Colau

Barcelona’s mayor is on a quest to ‘feminize’ politics amid independence debate

Global Politics

The conflict between proponents of Catalan independence and Spanish unity has reached a head this week, as Catalan President Carles Puigdemont continues to threaten to declare unilateral independence while Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy takes steps to revoke the region’s autonomy. Almost daily pro- and anti-independence rallies throughout the country echo the leadership’s division, only ratcheting tensions.

An American in Paris

‘An American in Paris’ dances its way to the stage


“An American in Paris” was one of Hollywood’s most famous Golden Age musicals. And then it became an equally impressive Broadway musical.

Bono and Adam Clayton of U2 performing in Mexico City in 2011

Aha moment: Bono and belly dancing


She gave up ballet, but Yillah Natalie discovered her life’s work in U2’s “Mysterious Ways”: belly dancing.