Professional wrestling

two Bolivian women square off in a wrestling ring

How Indigenous women revolutionized Bolivian wrestling


The more they fight, the more popular they become — and the more pushback they receive.

A poster of professional wrestler Hulk Hogan mugging for the camera.

The secretive language of professional wrestling

Luchador Perro Aguayo Jr. lays motionless on the mat during the match in which he died.

‘They didn’t just see a wrestler die, they watched a superhero die’


It took a graphic novel to tell the larger than life story of wrestler Andre the Giant

Chicken Wilson competing in Peru's "Lucha Libro" - writing a story story in five minutes.

Peru makes book writing into a spectator sport and invites aspiring writers into combat

Arts, Culture & Media

Wrestling As a Solution to Poverty in Senegal


Replacing soccer as the top sport, bare-knuckle wrestling is the only way many kids see out of their desperate poverty.

Almanac/Battle of the Camels

This week, we have facts about camel wrestling. In Turkey, camel-mating season is underway and the male tendency to compete for mates is harnessed in this spectator sport.