Presidents of Chile

candlelight vigil

What the 1973 coup means for Chileans today — 50 years later

Conflict & Justice

Five decades after the 1973 coup in Chile that toppled the government of Salvador Allende and brought General Augusto Pinochet to power with help from the US, people in Chile are deeply divided about what the coup anniversary means today.

Police officers are seen behind barricade tape guarding an area where a bomb exploded in Santiago September 8, 2014. The words on the yellow tape read, "Do not pass."

Each new bomb attack in Chile brings reminders of the Pinochet era of repression


The Soccer Match That Disgraced Chile

Conflict & Justice

Chile’s Past Intrudes on Current Presidential Election

The Keyboard Collector of Santiago

Arts, Culture & Media

Folk Singer Pete Seeger on the Death and Legacy of Chile’s Victor Jara

Arts, Culture & Media

Until this past week, no one has been charged with the death of Chilean singer Victor Jara. Marco Werman speaks to American folk singer Pete Seeger about the death and legacy of Victor Jara.

The World

What Chile’s Student Movement Did Next

Conflict & Justice

Chile’s student movement is grappling with how to graduate from a protest movement to a political one.

Chile’s Transition to Democracy: Lessons for the Arab Spring

Global Politics

Ricardo Lagos, former president of Chile, played a key role in leading Chile out of military dictatorship, and into a functioning democracy.

Chile Seeks Ray Davis Extradition Over 1973 Coup Murder

Conflict & Justice

A judge in Chile has indicted a former US military officer in a murder case that inspired the 1982 Oscar-winning movie “Missing.” We talk with Joyce Horman, the widow of slain American journalist Charles Horman.

The World

Chile’s new president Sebastian Pinera takes office

Global Politics

Chile’s new president Sebastian Pinera will be sworn in today, inheriting leadership of a government and a country still in natural disaster recovery.