Photo sharing

Facebook logo with the Russian flag

Britain asks Facebook for information about suspected Russian influence in Brexit

Global Politics

A British parliamentary committee investigating “fake news” and suspected foreign interference in politics said Tuesday it has asked Facebook for details on Russian-linked ads used during the Brexit vote and June’s general election.

American artifact #115: A foot-long corn dog from the State Fair.

After 20 years abroad, an American photojournalist turns his lens homeward


Blue Moon Photos from Around the World

Facebook announces $1 billion acquisition of Instagram


Facebook’s suicide prevention efforts draw mixed review


Your online identity after you’ve passed on


How to ensure your Facebook, emails and pictures are accessible to loved ones after you’ve passed on.

How Facebook can get you fired

The legal implications of firings that occur when online behavior meets the work place.

Journalist Miriam Elder Reflects on her Past Seven Years in Russia

Arts, Culture & Media

The Guardian’s former Russian Correspondent Miriam Elder has left Russia for a new job in the US as Foreign Editor at BuzzFeed. Anchor Carol Hills speaks with Elder about her experiences reporting in Russia.

Tweets and Instagrams from North Korea Offer More Candid Peek from the Closed Country

Arts, Culture & Media

In an unexpected move, the North Korean government has opened up it mobile network to foreigners. Now for the first time foreign reporters can access the internet from their phones and instantly post photos and tweets to the web.

Your Company’s Social Media Policy Might Be Illegal

Here’s something that  workers and employers alike have been grappling with: How much can employees talk about  company matters on Facebook and other social media sites? Employers have typically tried to restrict what their employees  say online about work place issues, especially if their comments are negative. But  federal labor regulators are pushing back. According to some recent rulings […]