
Special Guest: Peter Lewis

Arts, Culture & Media

Kurt Andersen and philanthropist Peter Lewis talk about the art of patronage. Peter Lewis is the chairman of the Progressive Corporation, an auto insurer that he transformed into a $7.4 billion company. He is an avid art collector and helped create the Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art. Lewis also serves on the board of trustees […]

Commentary: Incorporating Art

Arts, Culture & Media
An injured boy is taken to a ward inside a hospital after an earthquake in Siliguri

How to help Nepal: 10 vetted charities doing relief work following the earthquakes

Anthony Quintano complete the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, a fundraising campaign that's gone viral around the world and prompted supporters of other causes to create their own versions of the challenge.

These eight ice bucket challenge spin-offs are boosting causes worldwide

Chasing Chaos - Jessica Alexander's new memoir -  offers an insider's look at the contradictions of relief work.

A novice humanitarian aid worker confronts mayhem in the field

Development & Education

What to consider when you are considering donating

Global Politics

Giving your money away is a big commitment, and typically you want your money to make as big an impact as possible. So what should you think about when choosing who deserves to receive your hard-earned cash?

Philanthropy in China a year after the Sichuan earthquake

Last year’s Sichuan earthquake prompted an unprecedented outpouring of donations and volunteers from throughout China, but has it sustained?

No Job? Volunteer Overseas!

With more and more people getting laid off, increasing numbers are looking to volunteer overseas.

Taking the Plunge – Literally – Into the New Year

It happened last night, whether we were ready for it or not: The New Year. And today, on the first day of 2013, some of us are dragging our feet (perhaps with a headache) into the future, but others of us are literally jumping in. Adrienne Adams is one of those people. This afternoon, at […]

Egyptian Authorities Investigate NGOs

Coming up, NGOs in Cairo are the target of a new investigation by Egyptian authorities. More on what this could mean for Egypt’s democratic transition, next, on The Takeaway.