Pew Research Center

Dollar bills

The American middle class is shrinking


For the first time in history, fewer than half of American households are in the middle class. The poorest segment and the richest segment are both growing.

This satirical t-shirt was one of many images posted on Twitter under the hashtag #MuslimApologies

Frustrated Muslims are ‘sorry for algebra’ and many other things

The World

10 Years and billions of dollars later, vets say Afghanistan not worth the cost

The World

Your take: religion in America

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

Study says one in twelve US babies born to an undocumented parent

Conflict & Justice
The World

‘Sexting,’ cyberbullying and other digital dangers

Arts, Culture & Media

The people most likely to use social networking sites are most vulnerable to these crimes: teenagers. Amanda Lenhart and Bryan Taylor say that these digital-world problems are on the rise and we need to be educating kids about how to deal with them.

The World

World attitudes about America

Global Politics

Anchor Lisa Mullins tells us about the results of the latest Pew Global Attitudes Survey, which is out today; the annual survey provides a snapshot of how the U.S. is perceived around the world.