Peace process in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict

Israeli election

Israelis head to the polls in what has become an unusually tight election

Global Politics

Israeli’s go to the polls today and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is hoping for a fourth term, but his chances seem to be falling quickly.

One of the main targets of the Israeli ground offensive into Gaza is the extensive tunnel network which has enabled Hamas militants easy access into Israel. In this cartoon two Israeli soldiers talk to their commander about whether or not to blow up a tun

Just a mile from Gaza, a Kibbutznik cartoonist holds steadfast to his left wing beliefs

One of the main targets of the Israeli ground offensive into Gaza is the extensive tunnel network which has enabled Hamas militants easy access into Israel. In this cartoon two Israeli soldiers talk to their commander about whether or not to blow up a tun

Just a mile from Gaza, a Kibbutznik cartoonist holds steadfast to his left wing beliefs

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry addresses a news conference at the foreign ministry in the Algerian capital of Algiers on April 3, 2014.

Peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians are on the brink of collapse — with both sides casting blame

Global Politics

Israeli officials promise public referendum on any peace agreement

Global Politics

Low expectations for any U.S. president to jumpstart Middle East peace

U.S. presidents often talk of their hope to find peace in the Middle East and they practically always talk about their support for Israel’s security. But on the ground there, expectations are much lower. And perhaps with good reason.

Advertising for peace in the Middle East

A new, $250,000 ad campaign is trying to raise trust between the Israelis and the Palestinians. It’s also fodder for ridicule.

Israel Prime Minister Public Wants Public to Vote on any Peace Deal

Global Politics

Israel’s prime minister says if anything comes of peace talks, the public would get the chance to vote yes or no on it. But even though polls suggest Israeli’s support peace with the Palestinians, it’s unclear how they might vote in a referendum.

The World

Low Expectations in Israel for Obama Visit

Arts, Culture & Media

President Obama’s first overseas trip of his second term will include stops in Israel, the West Bank and Jordan. The administration says Iran, Syria and the long-stalled Israeli-Palestinian peace process are on the agenda.

Making Preparations Ahead of the UN Vote on Palestinian Statehood

Global Politics

What both Israelis and Palestinians are doing in advance of the UN vote on Palestinian statehood