
A set of hands type on a keyboard

Clean up your cyber-hygiene — 6 changes to make in the new year


Data breaches, widespread malware attacks and microtargeted personalized advertising: Ugh. From setting boundaries to bursting bubbles, here are six things you can do to stay safer online in 2019.

When it comes to protecting your cyber identity, two tips that cybersecurity experts offer are to use a password manager and two-factor authentication (when possible).

In the midst of complex hacking operations, here are simple tips to improve your cybersecurity


Slovenian website seeks to turn people’s passwords into art


Google warns users of suspected state-sponsored hacks


Connecticut Senator discusses opposition to employers requesting social passwords


Controversy erupts over employers asking for social media site passwords


In a tight market, job seekers are willing to jump through hoops to obtain employment. Recently, reports of employers asking candidates for their social media log-in information have raised questions about access, privacy, and the transparency of the internet age.

Is my password secure? These tips might help you


Authorities are moving aggressively to try and curtail cyber-hacking, but the best thing you can do is have a strong password. These tips might surprise you and also help you make that possible.

Asperger’s used as defense in hacking case


Hacker Gary McKinnon’s lawyers say Asperger’s influenced his actions and that he shouldn’t be charged for hacking military computers.

How mobile phones get hacked


Tactics hackers use to access voicemail systems of mobile phones.

How to protect yourself from hackers like LulzSec


Why have there been so many hacker attacks lately? Because groups like LulzSec can. There are ways to keep yourself safer, though.