Neglected diseases

Jimmy Carter

President Jimmy Carter is still fighting to eradicate tropical diseases


Former President Jimmy Carter’s legacy is as a peacemaker — most especially after he left office. One of his biggest goals has been to help eradicate tropical diseases, and he’s having some success.

The World

Can cholera in Haiti be controlled?

Health & Medicine

Eradicating Guinea worm disease

Health & Medicine

A cholera epidemic stalks Zimbabwe

Health & Medicine

Faces of Elephantiasis: In Nigeria, Patients Remain After the Disease is Gone

Arts, Culture & Media

Haiti Charges UN With Responsibility for Cholera Outbreak

Lawyers representing the families of thousands of people who died of cholera in Haiti are planning to sue the United Nations for wrongful death. The lawyers say U.N. peacekeeper troops  inadvertently brought cholera to Haiti from Nepal after the 2010 earthquake that decimated the country. Since the cholera outbreak began in 2010, nearly 7,000 people have […]

Water Series Promo

Finally, a programming note about an upcoming special series. A hundred years ago, Americans died by the thousands from waterborne diseases like: typhoid, cholera, dysentery. Today, water treatment has made those epidemics a distant memory. But we still can’t be sure that what comes out of our taps is completely safe. Next week, in the […]

The World

Health Note/De-worming RX

Living on Earth’s Diane Toomey reports on a possible new source for a drug to treat the millions of animals and humans infected with parasitic worms.

The World

Health Note/Fashionable Filters

Living on Earth’s Diane Toomey reports on a cheap and simple method to filter out cholera bacteria from contaminated water.

The World

Health Update

Diane Toomey reports on new research that offers some hope of finally being able to thwart the bug that causes the lethal African Sleeping Sickness.