National Football League rivalries

The World

NFL Playoffs: Jets upset Patriots, conference championship rounds are set


Ibrahim Abdul-Matin, the Takeaway’s sports contributor, recaps the weekend’s action and looks forward to the AFC and NFC Championship games.

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Dallas Art Scores a Touchdown

Arts, Culture & Media
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Takeout: Monday night Cowboys

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Sports: Jets topple Patriots

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Green Bay Packers trade quarterback Brett Favre to the New York Jets

The World

Green Bay Packers fans split over Brett Favre’s return to football


Let the competition begin. After a month of playing hardball with Brett Favre, the Packers organization has reluctantly welcomed their superstar quarterback to compete for the starting job. But is Favre’s return what the players ? and the city of Green Bay ? want? Guest: Cliff Saunders, sports talk radio host for 1250 Milwaukee

The World

Green Bay Packers quarterback Brett Favre leads a pigskin soap opera


Brett Favre is Green Bay. Plain and simple. The Super Bowl-winning, three-time MVP quarterback is worshipped in the home of the Packers ? even following an official retirement in March. Now, with Favre asking to be released from his Green Bay contract as part of a possible return to the gridiron, the city’s fans have divided.