Music of Brazil

Luiz Gonzaga musical

Transport yourself to the northeast of Brazil with the legendary music of Luiz Gonzaga

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In the musical “Gonzagão, A Lenda” (“Gonzaga, the Legend”) by João Falcão, nine actors remember and portray the life and times of Luiz Gonzaga. Betto Arcos went to see the musical about the “King of Baião.”

Brazilian rap artist earns high praise from country’s music scene

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Taiwan-Born Emy Tseng Swings to Brazilian Jazz

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Why Brazil Loves the Cordel

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Clay Ross and Brazilian Bluegrass

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The World

Global Hit

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Brazilian musician Jair Oliveira is bringing back the sound of the seventies with his style of samba-soul. Anchor Marco Werman speaks with Oliveira, who also performs one of his songs for us in the studio.

The World

Global Hit – Sergio Mendes

Arts, Culture & Media

Brazilian bossa nova legend Sergio Mendes adds a dash of hip hop to his latest album, “Encanto”.

The World

Global hit – Vinicius Cantuaria

Arts, Culture & Media

Anchor Marco Werman tells the story of a Brazilian musician who now lives in New York. His name is Vinicius Cantuaria. And his music has a hint of bossa nova mixed with some rock-and-roll mixed in.