Mobile phone radiation and health

Are cell phones frying our brains?

Health & Medicine

A major new study of cell phones couldn’t conclusively prove that cell phones are a risk, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t dangerous.

Cell phone use and cancer

Health & Medicine
The World

Environmental Health Note/Can You Hear Me Now?

The World

Environmental Health Note/Can You Hear Me Now?

The World

Is your cell phone safe?

Health & Medicine
The World

Cellular worries


Cell phones may be hazardous to your health. The science is inconclusive but some states want to require warning labels on cell phones. David Carpenter is director of the Institute for Health and the Environment at the University at Albany.

Cell Phone Use Linked With Increased Brain Activity

A new study conducted by the National Institutes of Health links cell phone use with increased brain activity. Apparently less than one hour of exposure to an active cell phone can result in increased glucose production in brain regions closest to the phone’s antennae. Joining us to explain the findings is Lauren Emberson, cognitive neuroscientist […]