Military intelligence

A crowd of US service members stand in front of Trump, with a large US flag in the background

Trump denies knowledge of Russian bounties in Afghanistan; pandemic death toll reaches half a million; attack in Karachi

Top of The World

US President Donald Trump accused The New York Times of a possible “fabricated Russia Hoax” regarding a report that a Russian military intelligence unit offered Taliban-linked militants bounties for killing US service members in Afghanistan. Congress has demanded answers. The pandemic has infected more than 10 million people worldwide, as deaths surpass 500,000.

Police int self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic

Russia is using Ukraine to upgrade and test its weapon systems


Maybe the US has been spying on friends, what else is new?

Global Politics

NYPD, aided by CIA, secretly monitors Muslim communities

Global Politics
The World

Human Intelligence: A Holiday Tale

Arts, Culture & Media

NYPD, Aided By CIA, Secretly Monitors Muslim Communities

A new investigation by the Associated Press has revealed that the New York Police Department has pursued aggressive  surveillance and intelligence gathering tactics that operate far outside its jurisdiction as part of its anti-terror efforts in the decade since 9/11. These programs were developed and continue to be implemented with assistance from the Central Intelligence Agency, […]

The World

Harder US Line on Syria

Global Politics

The US has been pressing for tougher international sanctions against the Assad regime.

The World

Outsourcing U.S. intelligence

Americans are getting used to the fact that much of what the government does for us is being outsourced but few of us expect the work of intelligence agencies would be sent to private contractors