
Serge Tougard, 71, is determined to retire from his post as mayor of Fauguernon, a hamlet of 250 people located in Normandy. But less than a month away from France’s upcoming municipal elections, there’s still no one to replace him.

For many French towns and villages, recruiting a mayor is a ‘desperate’ situation


According to a poll conducted by the Association of Mayors in France, more than half of small town mayors said they were stepping down or thinking of stepping down in 2020.

German police

Pro-refugee German mayor stabbed in suspected political attack

Maddie on left leans on Wilmot

The new mayor of Helena, Montana, has made history — and now just wants to get to work

Global Politics
Toronto Mayor Rob Ford (C) and his brother Doug (2nd R) smile as they take part in the East York Canada Day Parade, July 1, 2014.

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford has been diagnosed with cancer — so his brother is taking his place on the ballot

Global Politics
Toronto Mayor Rob Ford

If you find it hard to understand Toronto’s Mayor Ford, this might help

Global Politics

Crack, Lies and Videotape — it’s a tale only Toronto can tell

Global Politics

For months now, the Toronto Star has been reporting on Toronto Mayor Rob Ford’s possible ties to drugs. Now, there’s a new development. Police say they have a video that allegedly shows the mayor using cocaine.

Mayors Address Economic Hardships Plaguing the Nation’s Cities

Mayors from across the nation are meeting this week to discuss unemployment and other economic issues hitting their respective cities. The United States Conference of Mayors, who is hosting the event, claims that  nearly 80 of the country’s metro areas will not reach pre-recession levels of employment for at least five years. Mayor Steve Benjamin, an […]

Frustrated Voters Recall Mayors Online

In 2008, much was made about how the Obama campaign’s mastery of social media helped catapult a young, relatively unknown senator into the White House. But three years later, voters are harnessing the power of social media not to put candidates into office, but to “throw the bums out.” Recall elections have gone viral, and […]