Mahdi Army

A member of the Iraqi security forces stands watch over Shiite men who have volunteered to fight ISIS. While the Shiite militias have helped boost numbers in the fight against jihadis, their loyalty to the government of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki is qu

Baghdad is in danger as ISIS continues its ‘clean sweep’ across Iraq

Conflict & Justice

ISIS and its Sunni allies have made major territorial gains in western Iraq, seizing almost all of Anbar, the country’s largest province. Now they’re turning their attention to Baghdad, where Secretary of State John Kerry arrived today to help boost the morale of the Iraqi government.ISIS and its Sunni allies have made major territorial gains in western Iraq, seizing almost all of Anbar, the country’s largest province. Now they’re turning their attention to Baghdad, where Secretary of State John Kerry arrived today to help boost the morale of the Iraqi government.

The World

Iraqi cleric against pact

Global Politics
The World

U.S. death toll in Iraq down for May

The World

Basra fighting

The World

Moqtada al-Sadr’s growing clout

The World

U.S. joins Iraqi assault on militias

Anchor Marco Werman speaks with the BBC’s Crispin Thorold in Baghdad, about the on-going battle against Shiite militias in Iraq; Iraqi government forces have led the assault, but U.S. forces have now supported the Iraqis with air strikes.

The World

Battle in Basra

Anchor Marco Werman speaks with the BBC’s Paul Wood, who is in Basra following the Iraqi government’s offensive against Shiite militias; today, Iraq’s prime minister vowed to fight the militias “to the end.”

The World

Iraq sets deadline for militias

The World’s Jason Margolis has the latest on the showdown between the Iraqi government and Shiite militants, as Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has given the militants a deadline of 72 hours to lay down their weapons.

The World

Basra’s significance

The World’s Matthew Bell reports on how the battle against militias in Basra could affect the U-S military effort throughout Iraq.

The World

Iraqi government takes on militias

The Iraqi government launched a major operation in Basra today in an attempt to secure control of the city from illegal militias,