Lord's Resistance Army insurgency

United States commits ground soldiers to battle militia in Uganda

The U.S. deployed about 300 special forces soldiers to Uganda to help battle the Lord’s Resistance Army. Could it be a new beachhead in the War on Terror?

Invisible Children, creators of Kony 2012, say they've learned a lot over the past two years.

The producers of Kony 2012 say they’ve learned their lesson, but critics aren’t so sure

Conflict & Justice

Viral Video “Kony 2012” sparks activism, criticism

Global Politics
The World

US Military Goes on the Hunt for Joseph Kony

Global Politics
The World

Joseph Kony: He’s Long Been Famous in Atiak

KONY 2012 YouTube Campaign Aims To Stop Infamous Uganda Militia Leader

Global Politics

More than 32 million people have watched the video about Joseph Kony, infamous leader of the Ugandan guerrilla group, the Lord’s Resistance Army. The new video is introducing Kony to a lot of people, but it’s also generating a lot of criticism.

Video about Ugandan Rebel Leader Joseph Kony Goes Viral

An American NGO called Invisible Children has made a video that tells the story of Ugandan rebel leader Joseph Kony, who was indicted for war crimes by the International Criminal Court in 2005 but remains at large. Since the video was released on Tuesday, the video has been viewed over 30 million times. Michael Wilkerson […]

The World

US Trainers Helping Uganda Fight LRA Face Challenges

Global Politics

US has announced it will send trainers into Uganda to help the military there take on the Lord’s Resistance Army. But we’ve done this before and nothing changed.