
A Milan branch of Extrabanca, an Italian bank that caters to immigrant clients.

This Italian bank caters to immigrants — and business is booming

In Italy, thousands of immigrants are opening businesses, but they often can’t get loans. Now, a new Italian bank has seized on the opportunity and has opened four new locations in six months.

The US Treasury in Washington. Failure to raise the debt ceiling could lead to the US government to default.

Why it’s a bad idea to gamble with the credit rating of the United States

Senate deals a blow to college students’ hopes of keeping student loan interest rates low

Global Politics

Microlending in America

Sen. Coburn Talks Deal to Avoid Higher Student Loan Interest Rates

Students Buried in Debt Ask for Help

This year the price of college reached a record high. According to figures from an annual College Board report, the average cost of per year of tuition is up more 8.3 percent for public 4 year colleges and up 4.5 percent for private schools. The average college student now finishes school with between $22,000 and […]

Ron Lieber Answers Your Questions on Student Loan Debt

On Wednesday, President Obama announced his plan for lowering the burden of student loan debt for people saddled with paying for the high cost of their education. The Takeaway asked listeners to tell us their stories about how they’re dealing with student loan debt. Ron Lieber, personal finance reporter for The New York Times, attempts […]

Personal Debt Piles Up in Kenya

The economic crisis is being felt not just on Wall Street and among the international markets.  It’s hitting regular people all around the world.  We look at Kenya where banks are fiercely competing for clients and unsecured loans are becoming very common. While it’s improving people’s lifestyles, young professionals are now taking on debt for all sorts […]

The World

Historically black colleges tackle student loan defaults

Conflict & Justice

Growing numbers of recent college students are defaulting on their student loans, which can threaten federal funding for their alma maters. A group of historically black colleges in Texas set up a successful program to counsel students and avoid default.

The World

Life in fine print: understanding your student loan

For the fourth segment in our series, Takeaway contributor Beth Kobliner looks at why more people are defaulting on student loans than ever before and how you can avoid being buried by the fine print.