
The World

Liu Xiaobo Commemorates Tiananmen with ‘June Fourth Elegies’

Conflict & Justice

Poet Liu Xiaobo wrote a series of poems in the 20 years following the 1989 crackdown. His book, “June Fourth Elegies,” has been translated into English by Jeffrey Yang.

The World

Elephant in the tea room: China’s human rights record

Conflict & Justice
The World

Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

Playlist for an (absent) Nobel Peace Prize winner

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

Chinese dissidents celebrate Liu Xiaobo’s Nobel Peace Prize

Conflict & Justice
The World

Liu Xiaobo wins Nobel Peace Prize while serving 11 year sentence in China

Conflict & Justice

Paul Martin, director of Human Rights Studies at Barnard College at Columbia University, joins us for more about Liu Xiaobo, and an analysis of the political implications of the Nobel Committee’s decision.

The World

Empty chair at Nobel Peace Prize ceremony

Conflict & Justice

Anchor Lisa Mullins speaks with The World’s Mary Kay Magistad in Beijing to find out whether people in China were able to follow the Nobel Peace Prize; it was awarded to imprisoned dissident Liu Xiaobo. His absence was marked by an empty chair.

The World

China still livid at Nobel winner

Global Politics

China is still livid over the awarding of this year’s Nobel Peace Prize to jailed dissident, Liu Xiaobo. Anchor Lisa Mullins gets the big picture from The World’s Beijing correspondent, Mary Kay Magistad.

The World

Support for Nobel Peace Prize winner

Conflict & Justice

Jailed Chinese writer and civil rights activist Liu Xiaobo has been awarded this year’s Nobel Peace Prize. Anchor Marco Werman speaks with Chinese novelist, Diane Wei-Liang. The novelist herself is a veteran of the pro-democracy movement in China.

The World

Liu Xiaobo wins Nobel

Global Politics

Political activist Liu Xiaobo has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. One of China’s leading dissidents, he’s serving a prison sentence after helping write a manifesto which calls for political change in China. The World’s Mary Kay Magistad reports.