Leonardo da Vinci

a woman take a photo of a da vinci painting

8 things you may not know about Leonardo da Vinci, on the 500th anniversary of his death

Arts, Culture & Media

Dead five centuries, Leonardo retains a rock star’s fame, well known around the world by just one name. Here, some facts about the man and his legacy.

Leonardo da Vinci's The Last Supper

Leonardo da Vinci: Theater impresario


Leonardo da Vinci, Master Of Art And Science

Leonardo Da Vinci imagined this instrument, but it never became real until now

Arts, Culture & Media

Slideshow: Finding Da Vinci’s Lost Art

Arts, Culture & Media

Mona Lisa model mystery

Arts, Culture & Media

Reporter Megan Williams tells us about an effort under way at a former convent in Florence, Italy to identify the remains of the woman who might have been the model for Leonardo da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa.”

The Living on Earth Almanac

This week, facts about… Buckminister Fuller who has been called the 20th century’s Leonardo DaVinci. A self-trained architect, engineer, mathematician, and poet; he’s best known for inventing the Geodesic Dome.

The World

The genius in all of us

Arts, Culture & Media

When you hear the word “genius,” you might think of Einstein, Mozart, or Da Vinci. But how they became geniuses is the subject of debate. Where they born that way? Or does it come from sheer tenacity?

The World

Geo Quiz and answer

Arts, Culture & Media

For today’s geoquiz we were looking for the library in the Italian city of Milan that’s opened up its massive collection of drawings and writings by Leonardo de Vinci for public viewing.