
Dean Parker, a commercial housepainter and avid surfer from Florida, traveled to northern Iraq to fight with the Kurdish Peshmerga against ISIS.

Some foreigners fight for ISIS, but this American joined the fight against it

Global Scan

One day, Dean Parker was watching the news on TV. The next he was packing up body armor and preparing to fight with Kurdish forces against ISIS militants in Iraq and Syria. Now he’s looking for a flight home — and knows he has some explaining to do to the FBI and Homeland Security.

Lemurs eat at Qingdao Forest Wildlife World in Qingdao, Shandong province, January 27, 2015.

Lunchtime for these … um, lemurs

A Madagascar Biodiversity Project poster illustrates the symbiotic relationship between the black and white ruffed lemur and the forests they live in, centered on food and poop. The project aims to use lemur poop to help restore forest habitat for the ben

Lemur poop might save Madagascar’s forests — and economy


Extinction Risk for Lemurs Greater Than Previously Thought

Lemur sanctuary

Global Politics
The World

Lemur Experiment

Lemurs are some of the most endangered primates in the world. Found only in Madagascar and one group of neighboring islands, these creatures have lost fully 90 percent of their habitat since humans first landed on Madagascar two millennium ago. But, now researchers at Duke University’s Primate Center hope to give lemus a chance at […]

Exploring Madagascar

Journalist Dan Grossman talks with host Bruce Gellerman about finding new species on the magical island of Madagascar, which has more species of lemurs and orchids than anywhere else on the planet.