
President Barack Obama talks about legislation to offer paid sick leave for Americans while at Charmington's Cafe in Baltimore, Maryland, on January 15, 2015.

The State of the Union kicked off Obama’s push for paid parental and sick leave


Only two countries in the world have no protected right to paid maternity leave: Papua New Guinea and the United States. But after a call for maternity leave in the State of the Union, President Barack Obama is trying to change that in 2015.

Failed negotiations cause FAA shutdown

Global Politics

FAA stalemate costing US government millions

Global Politics

The Family Leave Medical Act

Sequestration Could Put Nearly One Million Defense Employees on Furlough

Furloughed FAA workers demand Congress pass authorization bill

Global Politics

Dan Stefko, president of the Eastern Region Engineers & Architects, National Air Traffic Controllers Association, tells us how the furlough is affecting F.A.A. workers.

What Does an FAA Shutdown Mean for You?

The fight over the debt ceiling is over in Washington, but another showdown  over government funding is still dividing Congress. Since July 22, the Federal Aviation Administration has been partially shutdown, waiting for Congress to make a decision on its funding. As a result, thousands of F.A.A. workers are being furloughed –  and won’t get back to […]

The Politics Behind the F.A.A Shutdown

Arts, Culture & Media

[waitingforcorrection: no audio attached, invalid GUID] We’ve talked a lot about Congressional gridlock and the debt ceiling this week.  But partisan fighting has affected more than just the debt limit.  Over the weekend, Congress failed to pass a funding extension for the Federal Aviation Administration, following a disagreement over cuts in subsidies. As a result,  the U.S. government […]

The World

Number of Americans Taking Vacation Hit a Low Point

A 2011 poll conducted by Marist found that only 45 percent of respondents plan to take a vacation this summer. That’s the lowest number in the survey’s 11 year history. And only 35 percent of those who are planning getaways will be taking longer trips, as opposed to weekend jaunts.  Why  aren’t  more Americans taking vacations? And how […]

Connecticut Businesses Consider Sick Leave Laws

We hear from Dave Rutigliano, chef and owner of The Southport Brewing Company in Connecticut who tells us why sick-leave is bad news for small business. Jon Green, executive director for Connecticut Working Familes, also speaks with us.