Land law

The World

A possible moratorium on foreclosures

At least 40 states’ attorneys general across the country will launch an investigation into the mortgage servicing industry today, which will possibly result in a push for a national moratorium on foreclosures.

Helping homeowners avoid foreclosure

Huge Foreclosure Deal Reached

Multi-Billion Dollar Foreclosure Settlement Imminent

Steep Increase in August Foreclosure Filings

Your Take: Facing Foreclosure

Millions of Americans are facing foreclosure, like Takeaway listener, Tina. She is struggling to keep her home in Miami. She has been in her house for 38 years, but is getting hit with an escalated payment.

Your Take: Is It Better to Rent or Own?

Housing prices have dropped to nine year lows in most major cities according to last weeks’ Case-Shiller home price index. Over 2 million homes are in foreclosure. What do you think?

The World

November home foreclosures: behind the numbers

At first glance, the release of tomorrow’s foreclosure numbers should add to that optimism, as analysts expect the number of new foreclosures to drop dramatically. But does that mean we’ve truly passed the worst moments of the housing crisis?

The World

Takeouts: no fix yet for struggling homeowners, Republicans’ ‘vote-a-rama’

Global Politics

BUSINESS TAKEOUT: A year into the government’s loan modification program, the Treasury’s internal watchdog says the federal program might fail to prevent foreclosures. Meanwhile, private lender Bank of America announces major changes in how they will treat struggling homeowners. New York Times finance reporter Louise Story discusses whether the public or private sector is in […]

The World

Choosing foreclosure as home values dip

As home values fall, more and more homeowners are walking away from their mortgage payments and foreclosing on their properties. And some say this is the right decision.