
Solutions for Curbing the Shadow Government

The world is a dangerous place: Threats from terrorism, chemical weapons or all out nuclear warfare. Natural disasters like hurricanes or tsunamis could wipe out whole cities. And with the click of a few buttons, our cyber security could be greatly compromised. These doomsday scenarios are thought about a lot in Washington, D.C.–who would step […]

The World

Rooting for the Bad Guy: Michael Shannon

Superman of Astrophysics

Cartoon: NASA’s Predictions for 2012

Global Satire
The World

DC Comics Overhauls Superheroes

Arts, Culture & Media

‘The 99’: Superheroes and comics in the Islamic world

Lifestyle & Belief

“The 99” is a comic book series published in Kuwait and translated into nine languages. “The 99” follows Islam-inspired superheroes as they fight evil dictators and extremists. The series’ creator, Dr. Naif Al-Mutawa, is also a clinical psychologist.

The World

Bonus Track- Superboy and the Invisible Girl

Jennifer Damiano, Kyle Dean Massey, and Alice Ripley perform the song live in the studio.

The World

Geo answer / Comic books in the Middle East

Arts, Culture & Media

We asked you to name a fictional Middle East country that exists only in the comic books. The answer is the fictional country of UMEC, an acronym that stands for “un-named Middle Eastern country.”

The World

World coverage of Super Tuesday

Global Politics

It’s not just the US news media that’s fascinated with the US presidential race, international news outlets are following the race closely