
The Rise and Fall of Jesse Jackson, Jr.

Born as his father marched with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. for voting rights in Selma, Alabama, Jesse Jackson, Jr. grew up among the living history of the Civil Rights Movement. Jesse Jackson, Sr. witnessed Dr. King’s  assassination  at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, and continues his civil rights and political work today.   Jesse Jackson, Jr. began […]

Heinz Environment Prize Winner

Wes Jackson: Prairie Revolutionary

The World

Michael Jackson’s Complex Legacy

Conflict & Justice
The World

Mortality and Morality: The Remains of Michael Jackson

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

The Jackson Three: What Happens to Michael’s Kids?

Arts, Culture & Media

Many questions remain about Michael Jackson’s death, but the most immediate issue is the future of his three young children. Journalist and author Diane Dimond joins The Takeaway to talk about Jackson as a parent and who might take charge of his children.

The World

The Enigma of Michael Jackson

Arts, Culture & Media

What will Michael Jackson be remembered for: his work as a musical artist or his latter-day weirdness? Joining The Takeaway to discuss Jackson’s legacy is Bill Wyman, former arts editor for Salon and writer for the blog ?Hitsville.’

The World

Thriller in London: Michael Jackson’s ‘This Is It’ Tour

Arts, Culture & Media

The King of Pop says ‘This is It.’ That’s what Michael Jackson is calling a 50-consecutive-night comeback he’s planning for London this summer. For more, The Takeaway turns to Britain’s Chris Hawkins, a presenter on the BBC’s 6Music radio station.