Israel–Turkey relations

The World

Israel Consul General explains history of Gaza blockade

To better understand the history of the blockade, we’re joined now by Asaf Shariv, the Israeli Consul General to the U.S. We also speak with Philip Wilcox, the former American Consul General to Israel, about the larger implications of this confrontation.

Heightened tensions between US allies Israel, Egypt, Turkey

The World

Israel’s Growing Isolation in the Middle East

Arts, Culture & Media

Relations Souring Among US Allies In The Middle East

Global Politics

Turkey — Israel Relations Imploding

Conflict & Justice
The World

First-hand account of Gaza flotilla raid

Details of the confrontation on the flotilla headed for Gaza remain contentious and incomplete. Annette Groth, a German parliamentarian, gives her firsthand account, and Michael Slackman of The New York Times analyzes the incident from Jerusalem.

The World

Listeners respond: reaction to Israel’s raid on Gaza-bound flotilla

As calls for an international investigation of Israel’s fatal raid on a flotilla carrying aid to the Gaza stip ramp up, Takeaway listeners are divided. Was Israel justified in its reaction, or did Israeli commandos go too far?

The World

Israel’s move: another aid ship heads for Gaza

An Irish ship, the MV Rachel Corrie, is reportedly carrying aid for Palestinians in the form of school supplies, clothes and medicine ?- among other things. Israel has said the ship will not be allowed to dock.

The World

United Nations protests bombing of their headquarters in Gaza

Global Politics

In the ongoing offensive in Gaza, Israel shelled the headquarters of the United Nations in Gaza City. We turn to BBC correspondent Bethany Bell in Jerusalem for more on this developing situation.