
Since the inception of commercial air travel, the insides of airplane cabins have been associated with a higher likelihood of catching a cold or other spreadable disease. New research has sought out to see if scientific facts back up those sentiments.

Study examines how diseases really spread during air travel


Airplane cabins have been labeled as strong sources of germs and spreadable diseases. But how likely is it we’ll really get sick from planes?

Health workers attend a protest on October 7, 2014, outside Madrid's La Paz Hospital calling for Spain's health minister, Ana Mato, to resign after a Spanish nurse contracted Ebola.

At the hospital where a Spanish nurse got Ebola, workers say their training was poor

A man washes his hands at a facility outside the Green Pharmacy, Area 8, in Abuja, Nigeria on September 1, 2014.

Precautions against Ebola are simple, but hard to guarantee every single time


Advocates say FDA should ban all non-medical use of antibiotics in animals

Health & Medicine

Antibiotics losing effectiveness

Health & Medicine

Dual Epidemics Threaten Australia’s Koalas

Health & Medicine

Australia’s koala population has been hit hard by two rapidly spreading diseases: chlamydia (a sexually transmitted infection) and a retrovirus similar to HIV. Scientists are working to develop vaccines, while lay citizens help care for sick koalas.

Antibiotics, Livestock, and the Rise of Superbugs

Feeding antibiotics to livestock makes animals fatter faster, but are we breeding bacteria immunity in the drugs humans depend on?

Where Did Germany’s ‘Supertoxic’ E. coli Outbreak Come From?

Germany’s “supertoxic” variant of E. coli has infected more than 1,500 people and killed at least 17. Scientists still don’t know where the virus came from, why it’s so deadly. The outbreak seems to be affecting women more than men, likely because women eat more salads. The strain is also reportedly resistant to 14 different […]

The World

Lyme Disease Surge

Lyme Disease has risen dramatically in the past few years. So the tiny creature that’s responsible for infecting people, the deer tick, has earned an infamous reputation. But the disease doesn’t really begin with a tick bite. Ecologists say the real culprit is an environment that’s friendly to both the ticks and animals they feed […]

The World

Health Update

Diane Toomey reports on a promising new treatment for bacterial infections as antibiotic-resistant bacteria reach crisis proportions.