
The World

Studying splashes to learn more about how disease spreads


In the new Science Friday video “Breakthrough: Connecting the Drops,” Lydia Bourouiba and her team study how droplets travel when we sneeze, or flush the toilet.


Modern-day tribes still carry traces of colonial devastation in their DNA


Global mental health issues woefully overlooked

Health & Medicine

A Psychiatrist’s Encounters with the Mind in Crisis

Changing the way the world goes mad

Health & Medicine

Mental Health Not Getting Enough Attention From UN

Global Politics

Mental health advocates are upset that the UN is not focusing attention on mental health.

Chemical Culprit, Chemical Cure? Challenging Conventional Wisdom on Mental Illness

For almost 40 years, conventional wisdom has been that mental illness is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. “Serotonin” is a household word, along with Prozac, Zyprexa, and Zoloft.   But recently, there’s been a vigorous debate within the medical community over whether that line of thinking is accurate. This summer Marcia Angell, a […]

The World

The Health Legacy of Ground Zero

The latest medical research indicates that seventy percent of rescue and recovery workers at Ground Zero suffer serious respiratory illnesses as a result of their exposure to toxic air at the site. The researchers say many will suffer for the rest of thei