Horse meat

Europeans dealing with dual horse meat scandals in food chain

Global Politics

There’s an emerging scandal, or scandal, around horse meat across Europe. In some cases, inedible horses not fit for human consumption were passed into the food chain. In another, horse meat was passed off as ground beef — tricking consumers.

Would You Eat Horse Meat?

Horsemeat Scandal Hits Furniture Giant IKEA

Conflict & Justice

Horse Meat in United Kingdom Causes Uproar

Europeans Scramble to Rein in Horsemeat Scandal

Arts, Culture & Media

Economic Repercussions of Europe’s Horse Meat Scandal

Conflict & Justice

The discovery of horsemeat in European beef products is threatening consumer confidence in the food industry. Consumers are upset that they’ve been tricked into eating horsemeat which they thought was beef.

The World

Horse abuse in Spain

The World’s Gerry Hadden reports on an animal rights scandal in Spain, which features footage of Spanish horses suffering from abusive treatment on their way to slaughter in Italy.

The World

Horsemeat debate in France

Arts, Culture & Media

Horsemeat remains popular in France, but animals’ rights groups have been trying to change that and now France’s horsemeat industry is fighting back, as The World’s Genevieve Oger reports.