
In a recent study, researchers found that naked mole rats appear to defy the traditional laws of aging.

Looking for the fountain of youth? Try looking in the tunnels inhabited by naked mole rats


A naked mole rat may not be the most attractive creature in the Animal Kingdom — but they might take the prize for the most fascinating when it comes to their genetics.

Japanese Yasutaro Koide, 112, receives the Guinness World Records certificate as he is formally recognized as the world's oldest man. He lives in a nursing home in Nagoya, in central Japan.

Japan is home to the world’s oldest population — and the world’s oldest man

The World

The strange science of immortality

Want to live a long, healthy life? How old is your grandfather?

Health & Medicine

Life Expectancy: The Grandfather Effect

Health & Medicine
The World

American Life Expectancy Varies Widely by County

Health & Medicine

In America, where you live directly affects how long you will live – that’s according to a new study published in Wednesday’s journal of Population Health Metrics. Dr. Diana Helentjaris explains.

Surprising Tips for Living Longer

How can we live longer, healthier lives? It’s a question that for centuries has enticed explorers to travel the globe and many others to suffer through everything from chemical peels to bizarre diets.  Is the secret in a good attitude? A lasting marriage? Strenuous exercise? Can we control it at all?  Leslie Martin, along with Howard Friedman, […]

The World

Emerging Science Note/Long Life

Scientists alter the genes of worms and double their life span, making them look and act younger.

The World

Emerging Science Note/Long Life

Scientists alter the genes of worms and double their life span, making them look and act younger.

The World

Health Update

Living On Earth’s Diane Toomey reports on a new study showing that exposure to lead on the job may lead to progressive brain damage that mimics the aging process.