
A bank of this lake thawed in the Gates of the Arctic National Park in Alaska, allowing the Okokmilaga River to cut through and drain it to sea.

Earth’s biggest natural fridge is turning into a greenhouse gas machine


The Arctic permafrost is like the world’s refrigerator, holding onto and preserving organic material. But when it thaws, as it’s increasingly doing now, microbes in the soil kick into action and produce enormous amounts of greenhouse gases.

The World

Salt Pans

Nature in the City: Redesigning the Granite Garden

Getting to the Bottom of Methane

Getting to the Bottom of Methane

Not-So-Perma Permafrost

Melting sea ice in the Arctic may cause more rapid melting of the permanently frozen ground or permafrost. That will increase green house gas emissions  ? but some of the emissions may be countered by the faster growth of vegetation in the region.

The World

Geo quiz Geo Quiz: We’re looking for a city named Merida

Arts, Culture & Media

For our Geo Quiz today we’re looking for a city named Merida. There are at least four major cities in the world with that name. They include cities in Spain, Venezuela and the Philippines. And there’s one more?

The World

Geo answer

Arts, Culture & Media

Today’s Geo Quiz sent us in search of a European country whose borders are shifting as a result of climate change. The answer is Italy. Anchor Lisa Mullins explains why.

The World

Geo answer


Today’s answer is Carancas, the Peruvian town that’s located near the spot where a mysterious meteorite fell from the sky a few months ago. The World’s David Leveille explains why scientists are puzzled by the meteorite and the crater it left behind.

The World

Geo Quiz and answer


Our daily Geo Quiz is about sand storms over the Atlantic Ocean. The question is: where does the sand come from? Anchor Marco Werman gets the answer from Eric Achterberg, a researcher who’s just back from a boat trip to study the storms. He says the sand comes from the Sahara Desert in Africa.